To make zooming image rollovers in your document you need to download the demo files and modify your document as follows :-

put the the following in the <head> section of your document :-

<!-- *** BEGIN CUT - Start Code *** -->
<!-- (* Another free JavaScript © from *) -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC="javascript/JSFX_ImageFader.js"></SCRIPT>
<!-- *** END CUT - End Code *** -->

Put the following on the <body> of your document, where you want the link :-

<A HREF="home.html"><IMG
    SRC="images/home.gif" BORDER="0" NAME="home"

If you want the images to just stretch put the following on the <body> of your document, where you want the link :-

<A HREF="home.html"><IMG
    SRC="images/home.gif" BORDER="0" NAME="home"

If you want the images to just expand put the following on the <body> of your document, where you want the link :-

<A HREF="home.html"><IMG
    SRC="images/home.gif" BORDER="0" NAME="home"

If you want to change the speed and size of the zoom effect use the following parameters:-

<A HREF="home.html"><IMG
    SRC="images/home.gif" BORDER="0" NAME="home"
    onMouseOver="JSFX.zoomIn(this, 10, 60)"

Where :-
10 - This is the zoom step, larger = faster zoom.
60 - This is the max width to zoom the image (this is height for stretchIn).

Also See...
Using External ".js" Files