Graphic elements from the "Thredz" GUI.
Copyright Russ Schwenkler and Neil Allardice. dangeruss-industries

Script Brought to you by...JavaScript-FX

This interface demo's the left sliding menu. The graphics for this demo were obtained with kind permission from dangeruss-industries (You should visit their site, they have some awesome graphics). See the credits for details. As with all interface demo's that use images from 3rd party sites, the images are not available for download from this site. You must visit the 3rd party site and read their terms of use.

The "left slide in navigation" is still under development. I created it using the JSFX_Layer library but found that the onMouseOver and onMouseOut event handlers were fired at different times in different browsers. Rather than try to emulate the event model of one browser in another browser I simple created a state transition diagram (using my existing knowledge of Real Time Programming) to come up with an event model that would handle the events in any order in any browser.

Still working on other things - but I do like the graphics!